
Mother, the source of the Water of Life

Can you live without water?

Water is the most essential to all living creatures. It is not exaggeration to say that water is life.
Just as our physical body never live without water, We need the spiritual water to live for our spirits.
And then, Who will give us the water of life?

Rev 22:17 The Spirit and the bride tell us to come to receive the water of life.
The Spirit represents our Father God, and the bride is our heavenly Mother.

Rev 21:9 The wife of the Lamb is Jerusalem.

The bride, Heavenly Jerusalem is whom to us?

Gal 4:26 The Jerusalem that is above is our Mother.

Here, above means heaven, not this earth.
We can find out the prophecies that Mother God can give us water of life.

Zec 14:8 “On that day living water will flow out from Jerusalem
It was prophesied living water will flow from Jerusalem.
Eze 47:1 “I saw water coming out from under the threshold of the temple.”
This temple is Jerusalem. The water evidently is flowing from Jerusalem.

This Jerusalem is a copy and shadow of Heavenly Jerusalem.
Our Heavenly Mother says to us now,
Come, Whoever wants to receive water of life.

Why don’t you meet our spiritual Mother, and receive the water of life, eternal life?


Anonymous said...

Without water, We can't live.. We can live through only heavenly mother. Because Christ Ahnsahnghong & heavenly mother are Only Savers at the last day. I believe..

Olivia said...

:0 I believe in Heavenly Mother who is source of water of life. Thank you Mother to give us life for our salvation. : )

Anonymous said...

Through Mother,We have life and become the chileren of God and go to heaven,our eternal home