
The Last Adam and Christ Ahnsahnghong

Jn 5:39 The bible testifies about Jesus who is to come a second time.
Among testimonies, let's study the Second Coming Jesus through the last Adam.

1 Co 15:45 The last Adam is a life-giving spirit.
Who is Adam?

Ro 5:14 Adam is a pattern of the one to come.
Here, 'the one to come' means 'Jesus to come a second time.'
Therefore, the last Adam means the Second Coming Jesus in the last days. What's the purpose of his coming?
To give us life!!!!
How will he give us life?
Jn6:54 By letting us eat his flesh and drink his blood, He will give us eternal life and raise us up at the last day. Then, Who will save us at the last day?
How He will save us?
Second Coming Jesus must make us know and participate in his flesh and blood.
What does Jesus's flesh and blood represent?
Mt 26:17-28 The Passover bread represents Jesus' flesh, and the Passover wine His blood.

Why we have to believe and accept Christ Ahnsahnghong?
Christ Ahnsahnghong appeared as a last Adam, to give us life.
He brought us Passover the method we can get the eternal life.


Olivia said...

I believe in Christ Ahn sahng hong,last Adam who save us at the last day. :)

Anonymous said...

The last Adam is Jesus who is to come a second time to give us life.He has to bring the truth of the Passover.The One who has come according to these prophecies is Christ Ahnsahnghong.Belive in Him,and you will be saved and enter the kingdom of heaven.