
Commands of God and Rules of Men-Christ Ahnsahnghong taught us commandments of God

There are many people who believe in God in this world.
All insists and convince they are keeping God's commandments and will go to heaven.
But we must keep God's commands not it of men.

Jer 7:25 God has continually sent us his servants the prophets so that we may obey His commands, His laws.

Unless we keep God's law, we will not be saved.

Mt 7:21-23,NKJV"Away from me, you who practice lawlessness."

Here, lawlessness means 'not to observe God's law.'

Mt 13:41 Those who practice lawlessness will be thrown into the fiery furnace.

We must seek what God's commands are and keep it to go to heaven.

Eze 18:21 If a man keeps all the decrees of God, he will surely live.
Eze 20:24 If a man rejects God's law, God will give him statues that are not good and laws he can not live by.

If you don't keep God's commands, and then God will give you.
Sunday instead of the Sabbath, and Christmas instead of the Passover.

Mt 15:7-8 Those who honor God with the rules of men worship God in vain.

How can you distinguish the God's commands from men's commands?
Through the Bible.!!!
If it is written in the bible , It can be commandments of God.

We can't find out the basis of sunday service, Christmas, Thanksgiving day and so on.,in the bible.
1Jn2:3 "We know that we have come to know him(God) if we obey his commands."
Those who obey God's commandments will be saved at the last day.

In this dark age without truth, Christ Ahnsahnghong came down to the earth again.
He recovered all commands and truth for our salvation. How he could do this??
He can recover this , because he is Second Coming Christ.
Christ Ahnsahnghong had built all commands by himself.

Let's study Bible and keep all commands of God.


smile said...

It's very important to find the truth by studying the bible God's word.
We have to check God's commandments and meet Christ. Christ AhnSahngHong and Heavenly Mother brought the truth to save us.
Thanks to Christ AhnSahngHong and Heavenly Mother.

NaNa said...

Thank you for posting about the truth.
It's very important thing
Please study the Bible in detail.
I give thanks to Chrst Ahnsahnghong & Mother.