
Church of God-Christ Ahnsahnghong established with his blood

There are so many churches in the world.
All insist they are the churches which was built by God.
Which is true church that follows all commandments of God?
Church of God!!!!
We keep all commandments of god.
God bought one church with his blood.
Acts 20:28 the holy spirit has made you overseers. Be shepherds of the church of God,
which he bought with his own blood.
What is his blood?
Luke 22:20 "This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured our for you.
Therefore, True church must have the feast, Passover.
Members of Church of god believe in Christ Ahnsahnghong and Jerusalem mother who were prophesied in the Bible.


Anonymous said...

The church of God was built by God, it is true church. God lead church of god.

Anonymous said...

there are so many churches.
but it's not built by God but men
there are not God's commamdments
there are not salvation
let's go to the Church of God
because it's only truth Church in the world
and we can get the salvation
God bless you~~^^

Olivia said...

Church of God keeps all the Feast of God according to of the Bible!
Church of God is the true Church!!

independencia celestial said...

The church where all the truths of the Bible are observed!
The church where all the prophecies of the Bible are fulfilled!
The church where we can meet God whom the Bible testifies about!
The church where prefect love, which the Bible teaches, is realized!

This is the church of God.

-Among the Book of Church of God practices Christ's Love-

smile said...

Only Christ AhnSahngHong could open the hidden truth to give us the eternal life.
He is really God leading us to the heaven.