
Christmas is not birthday of Jesus

Christmas is a popular festival which is celebrated throughout the world. When the Christmas season arrives, in December, everyone gets into the festive spirit. Most people are under the impression that Christmas is Jesus’ birthday, the day when He came into the world to give blessings and eternal hope to mankind; however, the Church of God—believing in the Second Coming Christ—does not celebrate Christmas, because it is not the birthday of Jesus. In fact, within Christmas is hidden a deceitful trick of Satan. The devil has tricked many people into worshiping the sun god by allowing them to fall into the illusion that they are sincerely worshiping God in the proper way.
Actually, Christmas is a festival to the sun god, Baal, and thus, those who keep the festival are rebelling against God. Satan has deceived people into mistaking Christmas for the birthday of Jesus, and by this cunning deception, Satan has come to be unwittingly served by all the people of the world. Many people try to justify themselves, saying, "We celebrate Christmas because it is the birthday of Jesus." However, Christmas—December 25th—is the birthday of the sun god, Nimrod, who was the first model of the Antichrist. Christmas originated in the festival of Saturnalia, and is a subtle scheme—devised by Satan—to destroy our souls. Satan always tries to turn us away from the way that God has commanded us to follow: "You shall have no other gods before me," "You shall not make for yourself an idol in the form of anything." Today, Satan is prowling around, like a roaring lion, looking for someone to devour. In order to resist him, we should be alert, standing firm in our faith. In today’s world, lies are prevalent—and most consider these lies to be the truth—because this generation does not hesitate in following the ways that are against God. We need to be able to discern the truth from all of the falsehood. By examining numerous sources of evidence, we can clearly understand that December 25th was not the birthday of Jesus, but the birthday of the sun god. Now, let’s look carefully at various materials which testify that the date of Jesus’ birth was not December 25th, and that this date was the birthday of the sun god, as it had been celebrated in ancient Rome. Even though all of the people living in this age believe that lies and falsehood are the truth, we are the ones who must restore the truth.

The Cross is an idol-Christ Ahnsahnghong taught us.

The Church of God does not erect crosses inside the church or on top of it, in accordance with the teachings of the Second Coming Christ, Ahnsahnghong.
The cross is an idol, and God’s people must never adore the cross, or bow down to it.
Nowadays, nearly every church uses the cross to symbolize Christ; however, the cross had been utilized as a pagan religious symbol long before Christ’s crucifixion. The Bible never condones the use of the cross, and not a single verse reads, "The cross is to be the symbol of the church," or, "The cross should be erected on top of the church," or even, "The cross should be treated as a sacred symbol because it represents the precious blood of Christ."
Historically, the cross was only used as an executioner’s tool. The apostles never believed or testified that the cross should be erected within the church and revered by God’s people. The truth of the Early Church did not include any teachings about the cross. The Early Church did not use the cross to symbolize Christianity and they did not believe that the cross held any power to drive out evil spirits. The saints of the Early Church did, however, repeatedly stress that idol worshipers would never be able to enter the kingdom of heaven. We need to judge for ourselves whether it is right to set up the cross—following the customs of men—or whether we should refrain from using the cross, in accordance with God’s teachings.
God commanded His people not to use or make idols, of any form.


Christ Ahnsahnghong taught us the truth of veil

When we pray to God or in the service time,

Women should wear veil according to God's law.

Jesus taught us this truth 2000 years ago, and Second Coming Christ, Christ Ahnsahnghong

came again.

He also taught us this truth.


Because The Bible tells us,

When Holy Spirit come again, he will taught us the truth of Jesus.

Christ Ahnsahnghong is Second Coming Christ, So he must bring us same truth of Jesus.

To be saved at the last day, We have to keep God's commandment.


Christ Ahn Sahng Hong , The light of Truth

Do you remember the passion of Christ Jesus 2000 years ago?
He came for our salvation as human like us. However, Many people persecute him. They couldn't
realize him and recognize he was Savior.
Jehovah, God the Father became Jesus. As you know, They are not differ.
Why they acted foolishly ?
Because They didn't know the Bible, believe in God.
Finally, They crucified Christ Jesus at the cross cruely.

Even he installed all truth for our salvation. After his ascention and death of disciples,

The Truth abolished by mere man.

All feasts of God also destroyed.

As the prophecy of Christ Jesus,

"Holy Spirit will come and he will show the truth again."

Christ Ahnsahnghong came this earth as Second Coming Christ, He restored all lost truth.

Thanks To Christ Ahnsahnghong,

You had suffering 2000 years ago, but you came for us leaving his glory in heaven.

Your love for heavenly children saved us.

I love you.

You lighten this world which is sink in darkness.


Church of God World Mission Society in Overseas

Why Church of God WMC is spreading to the wholeworld now?

Because This Church was built by God not man. Many People want to meet true truth not man's

thinking and made truth by man.

Church of God World Mission Society in Korea

Christ Ahnsahnghong came to Korea, at the ends of the earth in the east, and restored the new covenant.The truth of the new covenant has been spreading rapidly throughout the country. As a result, over 400 branch Churches have been established nationwide in the past half century.All the Churches celebrate the feasts of God including the Passover of the new covenant, and speedily carry out the gospel work according to the prophecy of the Bible.


Heavenly Mother's Teaching

Just like we need our physical mother to get our physical life, So there must be our Heavenly Mother for our spiritual life.
Heavenly Mother came down for our salvation. Even though We committed grave sin against God the Father and God the Mother in heaven, Christ Ahnsahnghong and Jerusalem Mother came down by giving up all glory and throne of heaven.
Heavenly Mother gave us this teaching to lead us to heaven again.
Let's meditate again and practice.